The Hawaiian Acres Community Association
2023-2024 Board Elections
This page has information about the Board Election that took place during the Hawaiian Acres Community Association Membership Meeting on January 29, 2023.
If you have a question about the election that is not covered on this page please contact us at om@hawaiianacres.org. Mahalo.
Declared Candidates
Click on the button below to view the declared candidates.
If you wish to be on the ballot prior to the Membership Meeting, and you are a paid member, please send your name, the Board position you wish to fill and the background information you wish to share with the community.
Here is a list of Board positions' duties from the Corporation ByLaws.
"… to promote and encourage a better community and civic spirit among and to foster good will and friendship between all residents of Hawaiian Acres; and to cooperate with civic and public organizations for the general welfare of the people and environment of the Island of Hawaii and of the State of Hawaii…"
-Hawaiian Acres Charter
Election Results
Executive Board
President: Doug Schabell
Vice President: Belinda Kiley
Secretary: Lisa Bevier-Sakimura
Treasurer: James Kiley
Area Representatives
Area 1: Two positions open
Area 2: Pam Everett; one position open
Area 3: Jim Hoffman; one position open
Area 4: Mark McClintick; one position open
At Large: Bill McClennan
Diane Winslow